How can you use ChatGPT 📩


ChatGPT was created by San Francisco-based artificial intelligence company OpenAI. OpenAI Inc. is the non-profit parent company of the for-profit OpenAI LP.

Large Language Models

What is chatgpt ? ChatGPT is a large language model (LLM). Large Language Models (LLMs) are trained with massive amounts of data to accurately predict what word comes next in a sentence.It was discovered that increasing the amount of data increased the ability of the language models to do more.

LLMs predict the next word in a series of words in a sentence and the following sentences, similar to autocomplete but on a much larger scale.They can write paragraphs and entire pages of content thanks to this ability. However, LLMs have limitations in that they do not always understand what a human wants.With the aforementioned Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) training, ChatGPT outperforms the competition.

How Was ChatGPT Trained?

GPT-3.5 was trained on massive amounts of data about code and information from the internet, including sources like Reddit discussions, to help ChatGPT learn dialogue and attain a human style of responding.ChatGPT was also trained using human feedback (a technique called Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback) so that the AI learned what humans expected when they asked a question. Training the LLM this way is revolutionary because it goes beyond simply training the LLM to predict the next word.

What are the Limitations of ChatGPT?

  • Limitations on Toxic Response
  • Quality of Answers Depends on Quality of Directions
  • Answers Are Not Always Correct

Is ChatGPT Free To Use?

The chatbot is currently open for users to try out and provide feedback on the responses so that the AI can become better at answering questions and to learn from its mistakes.

In case of any queries about ChatGPT : Get in touch